Hello Isomorphic,
We are on SmartClient Version: v8.3p_2013-05-22/Pro Deployment. We are noticing that the print preview shows the default layout of grid components in a TreeGrid and ignores what is specified in gridComponents property. Below is a modification of the 'Grid Summaries' sample demonstrating what we are seeing. I have specified gridComponents:["header", customComp, "summaryRow", "body"] on the list grid. It looks fine on the app side but not in the print preview with the issues below. Any ideas?
(1) The summary row is printed at the bottom instead of on top.
(2) The component, customComp, added in the tree is not printed.
We are on SmartClient Version: v8.3p_2013-05-22/Pro Deployment. We are noticing that the print preview shows the default layout of grid components in a TreeGrid and ignores what is specified in gridComponents property. Below is a modification of the 'Grid Summaries' sample demonstrating what we are seeing. I have specified gridComponents:["header", customComp, "summaryRow", "body"] on the list grid. It looks fine on the app side but not in the print preview with the issues below. Any ideas?
(1) The summary row is printed at the bottom instead of on top.
(2) The component, customComp, added in the tree is not printed.
isc.HTMLPane.create({ ID: "customComp", width: "100%", height: 25, showEdges: true, edgeSize: 1, contents: "<div>Custom Content</div>" }); isc.ListGrid.create({ ID: "companyList", width:"100%", height:"100%", alternateRecordStyles:true, autoFetchData:true, dataSource:orderItemLocalDS, showAllRecords:true, canEdit:true, editEvent:"click", showGridSummary:true, fields:[ {name:"orderID", includeInRecordSummary:false, summaryFunction:"count"}, {name:"itemDescription"}, {name:"category", showGridSummary:true, getGridSummary:function (records, summaryField) { var seenCategories = {}; for (var i = 0; i < records.length; i++) { seenCategories[records[i].category] = true; } var totalCategories = isc.getKeys(seenCategories).length; return totalCategories + " Categories"; } }, {name:"shipDate", showGridSummary:false, summaryFunction:"max"}, {name:"quantity", showGridSummary:false}, {name:"unitPrice", showGridSummary:false, formatCellValue:function (value) { if (isc.isA.Number(value)) { return value.toCurrencyString("$"); } return value; } }, {name:"Total", type:"summary", recordSummaryFunction:"multiplier", summaryFunction:"sum", showGridSummary:true, align:"right", formatCellValue:function (value) { if (isc.isA.Number(value)) { return value.toCurrencyString("$"); } return value; } } ], gridComponents:["header", customComp, "summaryRow", "body"] }); isc.Button.create({ ID: "printButton", title: "Print Preview", click:function () { companyList.showPrintPreview() } }); isc.VLayout.create({ width:600, height:520, members: [ printButton, companyList ] });