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    periodic refresh of comboBox item's optionsDataSource

    SmartClient : Smartclient v8.2p_2012-06-07 - Power Edition

    Browser : IE 9

    we have a comboBox item with the addUnkownValues set to true and whenever a new item is entered we persist it to the database.

    Now at the same time if an other user 2 is logged into the application on a different work station we expect the new item added to show up in the filtering results if the user 2 starts typing. In the present scenario we have filterLocally: true

    The solution we are thinking is to periodically refresh (fetchData) the optionsDataSource on the comboBox so that the user 2 will see the new item.

    Is there any api available to perform the refresh or do we have to manually write code to do the refresh. For this we are planning to use the setOut of the timer api.

    There isn't an API to set up periodic refresh.

    You probably meant setTimeout (not setOut), but we would recommend you use the SmartClient Timer.setTimeout() API, which provides fixes for some native bugs.

    Also keep in mind that refreshing while the field has keyboard focus is probably a bad idea (could interfere with what the user is doing).

