Found a little problem while programming
I have created an array called "tasks" inside of a transformResponse of a RestDataSource which will create some htmlpanes in a tab, when I want to access this tab I get following message from firebug:
_1.$kk is not a function
Line 2510
when I give the array a different name like foo, it works perfekt.
I have tried it in Firefox 3 and ie6
here is my code:
Hit "laden" in the first tab and then go to the second called "Aufgaben"
PS:Please release 7.0 before trying to fix this ;-)
I have created an array called "tasks" inside of a transformResponse of a RestDataSource which will create some htmlpanes in a tab, when I want to access this tab I get following message from firebug:
_1.$kk is not a function
Line 2510
when I give the array a different name like foo, it works perfekt.
I have tried it in Firefox 3 and ie6
here is my code:
isc.RestDataSource.create({ ID:"DSTasks", fields:{ id:{title:"id", name:"id", hidden:true}, name:{title:"Bezeichnung", name:"name"}, added:{title:"hinzugefügt", name:"added"}, due:{title:"fällig am ", name:"due"}, status:{title:"status", name:"status"} }, dataFormat:"json", dataURL:"test2.json", transformResponse : function (dsResponse, dsRequest, jsonData) { rows = isc.XMLTools.selectObjects(jsonData, "/response/rows"); tasks=new Array(rows); notes=new Array(rows); assigned=new Array(rows); dates=new Array(rows); for (u=0; u<=rows; u++) { tasks[u-1]=isc.XMLTools.selectObjects(jsonData, "/response/data/"+u+"/tasks"); notes[u-1]=isc.XMLTools.selectObjects(jsonData, "/response/data/"+u+"/note"); assigned[u-1]=isc.XMLTools.selectObjects(jsonData, "/response/data/"+u+"/assigned"); dates[u-1]=isc.XMLTools.selectObjects(jsonData, "/response/data/"+u+"/date"); } drawTasks(); } }) isc.DynamicForm.create({ ID:"FormSearch", canFocus:true, fields:[ {name:"search", title:"Suche", canFocus:true,type:"text",keyUp: function() { var bla=FormSearch.getValue("search"); for(i=0;i<tasks.length;i++){ if(bla>"") { if(tasks[i].toString().toLowerCase().search(bla.toLowerCase())>0 ) { VlTasks.getMember("pane"+tasks[i]).show(); } if(tasks[i].toString().toLowerCase().search(bla.toLowerCase())<0 ) { VlTasks.getMember("pane"+tasks[i]).hide(); } }else { VlTasks.getMember("pane"+tasks[i]).show(); } } } }, ] }) isc.VLayout.create({ ID:"VlTasks", padding:20 }) isc.HLayout.create({ ID:"HlTasks", members:[FormSearch,VlTasks] }) isc.HTMLPane.create({ ID:"functions", contents:"<a href=\"javascript:DSTasks.fetchData()\">laden</a>" }) isc.TabSet.create({ ID:"TabSetProjects", width:"100%", height:"100%", tabs:[ {ID:"overview", title:"Übersicht",pane:functions}, {ID:"tasks", title:"Aufgaben", pane:HlTasks}, {ID:"milestones", title:"Meilensteine"}, {ID:"files", title:"Dateien"}, {ID:"messages", title:"Nachrichten"} ] }) function drawTasks() { for(var z=0; z<tasks.length;z++) { var panename="pane"+tasks[z]; VlTasks.addMember( isc.HTMLPane.create({ ID:panename, width:"100%", height:40, overflow:"hidden", animateTime:200, border:"1px solid black", contents:"<div id=\"test\"><a href=\"javascript:changeStatus("+panename+")>"+tasks[z]+"</a></div><br> zugeteilt: "+assigned[z]+" fällig am: "+dates[z] }) ); if(u!=tasks.length){ VlTasks.addMember( isc.HTMLPane.create({ width:"100%", height:10, overflow:"hidden" }) ); } } }
PS:Please release 7.0 before trying to fix this ;-)