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    Show separate tabbed compenent on row select of ListGRrid

    SmartClient : Smartclient v8.2p_2012-06-07 - Power Edition

    Browser : IE 9

    I am using ListGrid and on selection of the row I want to show another tabbed component.

    I want to do something like the one shown in the Expanding Rows example ( ) ,
    but , instead of the the Detail Viewer shown in this example, I want to show the separate tabbed component which will display the information based on the selected row.
    Also this Tabbed component can have another component within it such as another List Grid.

    Can you please provide a example of how this can be done.

    Last edited by subashk; 1 Aug 2013, 07:54.

    See listGrid.getExpansionComponent() - you need to override this method, and return whatever component you want.


      Thanks for the response.
      The method listGrid.getExpansionComponent() works perfect.

      Another thing, I would like to know is, when i expand the row and load new component, does it get destroyed from memory when I collapse the row? Or I have to handle the destroy explicitly? how?

      Also, I am setting the property canExpandMultipleRecords to false in the grid. Will it take care of destroying the component that was loaded on expanding the previous row ?

      Please suggest.



        There's no automatic destruction of custom expansion components. If you wanted to destroy() the component on collapse rather than re-use it for other expansions, you can do so by overriding collapseRecord().

