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    ComboBoxItem picklistHeight


    I have ComboBoxItems for which I've set the pickListHeight property and for which
    I use an optionDataSource from which the data gets server loaded.

    In version 8.2p, it seems like the pickListHeight property was being used as a maximum
    and if I had lesser rows to show in the grid, the height would be lowered to flush-fit the data
    content loaded.

    With 8.3p, the initial drawing of the list grid seem to be using the pickListHeight property
    to draw so I end up with empty lines at the bottom, and then when I collapse the
    ComboBoxItem and re-open it, the second time it draws itself, it behaves as expected,
    that is, it sizes the grid to flush fit the data content.

    It looks like the initial drawing in 8.3p doesn't wait for the ComboBoxItem data to
    load before doing its initial draw ...

    Is there any new parameter that I need to put in place in order for the behaviour to be
    same as it was in 8.2p ?

    I have attached screen shots to better illustrate my situation.

    Attached Files

    Hi Yan
    Looks like there may be a framework issue here. One of our developers is scheduled to take a look. We'll let you know when we have more information.

    Isomorphic Software


      We've addressed this in all versions, 8.3 and onward - please retest with a nightly build dated August 29 or later


        Looks good. We'll carry out our usual regression testing and let you know if we find anything.


