We are seeing a problem where user defined highlights are being applied in grouped summary data even when we set includeHilitesInSummaryFields to false.
To see it in action, go here
Then, use the code below. Try it. Edit hilites. Enter a highlight for population greater than 0 and add formatting. When you click Save, the highlight formatting shows up in the group summary data too. We want it to only show up in the data and not in the group or grid summaries. How can we do this?
We are seeing a problem where user defined highlights are being applied in grouped summary data even when we set includeHilitesInSummaryFields to false.
To see it in action, go here
Then, use the code below. Try it. Edit hilites. Enter a highlight for population greater than 0 and add formatting. When you click Save, the highlight formatting shows up in the group summary data too. We want it to only show up in the data and not in the group or grid summaries. How can we do this?
var ds = isc.DataSource.get("countryDS"); isc.VLayout.create({ ID:"layout", width:600, height:250, members: [ isc.HLayout.create({ ID:"buttonLayout", width:"*", height:30, membersMargin: 10, members: [ isc.IButton.create({ ID: "editHilitesButton", autoFit: true, title: "Edit Hilites", click: "countryList.editHilites();" }), isc.IButton.create({ ID: "stateButton", autoFit: true, title: "Recreate from State", click: function () { var state = countryList.getHiliteState(); countryList.destroy(); recreateListGrid(); countryList.setHiliteState(state); } }) ] }) ] }); // create the initial ListGrid recreateListGrid(); countryList.groupBy("countryName"); // function to create a new ListGrid function recreateListGrid() { layout.addMember(isc.ListGrid.create({ ID: "countryList", width:"100%", height:"*", alternateRecordStyles:true, cellHeight:22, dataSource: ds, showGroupSummary:true, showGridSummary:true, includeHilitesInSummaryFields:false, autoFetchData: true, canAddFormulaFields: true, canAddSummaryFields: true, useAllDataSourceFields:true, fields:[ {name:"countryCode", title:"Flag", width:40, type:"image", imageURLPrefix:"flags/16/", imageURLSuffix:".png" }, {name:"population", title:"Population", formatCellValue:"isc.NumberUtil.toUSString(value)"}, {name:"area", title:"Area (km²)", formatCellValue:"isc.NumberUtil.toUSString(value)"}, {name:"gdp", formatCellValue:"isc.NumberUtil.toUSString(value)"}, {name:"capital", hidden:true}, {name:"government", hidden:true} ] })); }