Hi, we are seeing a problem where a null value in a summary function is being treated like 0.
See the price column in this example and use the sample code below. We want the summary data for Price to show as blank and this was working in 8.3 so something changed with 9.0.
See the price column in this example and use the sample code below. We want the summary data for Price to show as blank and this was working in 8.3 so something changed with 9.0.
isc.ListGrid.create({ ID: "companyList", width:600, height:520, alternateRecordStyles:true, autoFetchData:true, dataSource:orderItemLocalDS, showAllRecords:true, groupByField:"category", groupStartOpen:"all", canEdit:true, editEvent:"click", showGridSummary:true, showGroupSummary:true, fields:[ {name:"orderID", includeInRecordSummary:false, summaryFunction:"count"}, {name:"itemDescription"}, {name:"category", showGridSummary:true, getGridSummary:function (records, summaryField) { var seenCategories = {}; for (var i = 0; i < records.length; i++) { seenCategories[records[i].category] = true; } var totalCategories = isc.getKeys(seenCategories).length; return totalCategories + " Categories"; } }, {name:"shipDate", showGroupSummary:true, showGridSummary:false, summaryFunction:"max"}, {name:"quantity", showGroupSummary:false, showGridSummary:false}, {name:"unitPrice", showGroupSummary:true, showGridSummary:true,summaryFunction:'return null;', formatCellValue:function (value) { if (value!=null && isc.isA.Number(value)) { return value.toCurrencyString("$"); } return value; } }, {name:"Total", type:"summary", recordSummaryFunction:"multiplier", summaryFunction:"sum", showGridSummary:true, showGroupSummary:true, align:"right", formatCellValue:function (value) { if (isc.isA.Number(value)) { return value.toCurrencyString("$"); } return value; } } ] })