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    Calendar: showDayLanes, not possible to move an event in the first lane

    I am using one of the latest 9.1d builds. With the calendar, I noticed that with showDayLanes on true that it is not possible to drag and then drop events in the first lane.

    For the other lanes it works fine, also moving an event to another lane works.

    I checked the code and it seems to go wrong here in the Calendar.js:
    (in the dragRepositionStop method of the eventwindow):
            if (grid.isLabelCol(colNum) || grid.colDisabled(colNum)) return false;
    the colNum is zero for the first lane, the internal grid see this as a labelcol, therefore the return false is done and the drop is not executed.

    gr. Martin

    We're looking into this, along with your other calendar/drag related issues - all will be addressed in the next day or so


      Thanks! As a site note/request, as an event can be moved to another lane also, I propose to add the targetLane to the eventMoved call as a third parameter.

      gr. Martin


        The lane should already be present on the "event" passed to that notification, and not all events would have a lane.


          Yes the source lane probably is, but I would need to know the target lane also.

          So evaluate a move, both the source and target lane should be available somehow (imho).

          gr. Martin


            Yes, you're right - we'll look at the best way to handle this


              These issues are addressed - please retest with a build dated September 30 or later

