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    Migrating from FusionChart to FacetChart.

    We have an application that uses FusionChart when Smartclient 6.x version had it.

    Recently upgraded smartclient version to 8.2power, would like to move from FusionChart to Smartclient's Facet Chart.

    Version: 8.2 Power Edition
    Browser: IE

    Sample Code:
    ID: "xxList",
    width: "100%",
    height: "100%",
    dataPageSize: 10,
    bodyBackgroundColor: setListBackgroundColor(),
    updateChart : function (props) {
    // store chart configuration
    if (props) this.chartProps = props;
    // if there's already a chart, destroy it
    if (this.lastChart) this.lastChart.destroy();
    // generate chart
    this.lastChart = this.chartData(null, null, null, this.chartProps);

    Is there any easy way to migrate to the newer charts?

    With the code you've shown so far, you wouldn't change anything.

    We're not sure why you would try to update to 8.2, which is two versions old already, and about to become 3 versions old. Update to the latest or you will just end up updating again, very soon.


      This is how we define the chart properties but when it is used, it says the following chart obj is undefined.

      xxxList.updateChart({ID: "xxxChart",stacked:true,facets:[{ id:"ticker" },{id:"volume"}],valueProperty: "volume",data :data.xx,
      chartType: "Bar",width:"100%",height:"100%",valueTitle:"Total Market Volume "+Math.round(data.xx[0].totalVolume/1000000)+" (MM)",threeD:true,shouldAnimateShow:true, dataColors:['CCCCFF','CCCC99','FFCCCC','FFFF99','CCFF99','FFCC99','FF0000','00FF00','0000FF','FF00FF','FFFF00','00FFFF','EB7BCF','2027F9','6931CB','FFFF0F','71F8A6','6026EE','07CBCF','D67A8B','E94F22','B196FE','F8751B','EB393E','AC6A94','646193','199487','4A100A','E34096','EF4E02'],
      chartProperties:{numberScaleValue:'1000,1000', numberScaleUnit:'K,MM',canvasBaseDepth:'6',chartRightMargin:'50',numDivLines:'4', showSum:'1', divLineColor:'000000', showValues:'0', rotateXAxisName:'1',showLegend:'0', bgColor:_bgColor,bgRatio:"5,95",bgAngle:'90',baseFontColor:_baseFontColor,hoverCapBgColor:_CanvasBGColor,bgAlpha:'100,100',canvasBgColor:_CanvasBGColor,canvasBaseColor:_CanvasBGColor,canvasBgAlpha:'100,100', seriesNameInToolTip :'0',baseFontSize:'11'}


        what's the latest production version 9.0 or 9.1?


          Please make sure to post everything the forums prompts you for. You've been reminded several times to properly report JavaScript errors.

          Also, make sure you're loading the Charts module, as described in the docs.


            The latest released version is 9.0. You can easily figure this out by looking at the Downloads page.


              Charts showing up for some after including the Charts module in loadISC.

              The charts colors are bright, is there way to tune the colors?
              Attached Files


                Yes, use the same API you are already using (dataColors).


                  We have migrated to Smartclient 9.0 power edition.

                  Without any code change and just including Charts module, I see the chart but it's not the flash version of FusionCharts.

                  Does it support still FusionCharts with flash?


                    It can still be enabled with chartConstructor, but is deprecated and not eligible for fixes, won't be updated for new versions of FusionCharts, etc.

