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    Calendar: eventSnapGap not working

    I am working with the latest calendar changes, using a build of a few days back. I noticed 2 things which are not working anymore it seems:
    - I have the eventSnapGap at 15, meaning 15 minutes, but the event (when dragging) is snapped to the 30 minutes grid, before it worked fine.
    - I use day lanes, I had to override the getCellDate method to work around an issue that clicking on a cell in the day view (with showdaylanes on true) opened the eventdialog with the wrong date (nl. the date of the weekview column, so if I clicked on the 3rd resource lane then it opens with the 3rd date from the weekview. In weekview something else went wrong, there the date is always one day off, it seems that the listGridField.masterindex is being used for determining the column, resuling in a wrong date.

    This is my workaround:
          getCellDate: function(rowNum, colNum) {
            if (this.dayViewSelected()) {
              return this.dayView.getCellDate(rowNum, colNum);
            } else {
              return this.Super('getCellDate', [rowNum, colNum - 1]);
    Last edited by martintaal; 4 Oct 2013, 07:54.

    Just so you know, this issue *has* been fixed, but it hasn't hit the builds yet because its queued for commit with a number of Calendar enhancements


      I'm also interested in Calendar enhancements (9.0 builds), would you please update this thread?


        These are 9.1 only enhancements


          Thanks for the reply, I am quite interested to get a new build so can you let me know when this is published, also I am interested to hear if other improvements are part of a new build.


          gr. Martin


            Both of these issues should be working as expected in builds dated October 10 and later.

            Note that there has been extensive reworking in the areas of eventWindow dragging and rendering - you should now find those areas to be more solid and quicker in normal calendars and timelines.

            We're aware of a couple of minor regressions - an issue with the calculation of complex overlapping in certain circumstances, and eventOverlapIdenticalStartTimes is not currently working - these will be addressed in the coming days.

            Please let us know if you spot anything else.

