This test case isn't runnable as is - it refers to dataSources we don't have, and doesn't seem to quite match your description (there's a ListGrid, but not window for minimize/maximize, for example).
Can you expand this into a runnable test case which shows the problem. This is probably as simple as adding a couple of client-only dataSources / tweaking the UI to match whatever is giving you these problems.
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Inner List Grid for related records not drawn
Smartclient version : Smartclient v9.0 ( SmartClient_v90p_2013-11-03_PowerEdition )
Browser : IE 9
Hi , we are seeing an issue while using expansionRelatedProperties for expanding related rows in List grid.
The actual ListGrid loads all the data fine. When we expand one of the row we are seeing this issue. The data fetch is fine. We are seeing the data come back to the client.
Case 1 : If there are less than 41 related records the inner grid is loading fine.
Case 2 : if there are 41 and more related records, we do not see the inner grid getting drawn. At this point if we click inside the blank area and minimize the browser window and maximize it, we see the inner grid drawn.
Case 3 : if there are 41 and more related records and if we have one of the columns in the inner grid commented, then we do not see any issue. The grid loads fine.
Can you let us know if we are missing any property in the innergrid which is causing it not to be drawn .
Code:isc.ListGrid.create({ cellHeight: 18, headerHeight : 27, sortFieldNum: 3, sortDirection: "descending", alternateRecordStyles:true, bodyOverflow:"scroll", fields:[ {name:"xxxx", title:"XXXX", width:"488",align : "center", cellAlign: "left"}, { name:"yyyy", title : "YYYY", width:"85", wrap : true, align : "center", cellAlign: "right" }, {name:"zzzz", title:"ZZZZ", wrap : true, width:"90", align : "center", cellAlign: "right" }, { name:"aaaa", title:"AAAA", width:"*", align : "center", cellAlign: "right" } ], canReorderFields: false, canExpandRecords: true, canExpandMultipleRecords: true, dataSource: 'detailOuterDS', autoFetchData: true, expansionMode: "related", detailDS: 'detailsInnerDS', expansionRelatedProperties: { align : "center", wrapCells: true, height:0, baseStyle : "cell", cellHeight: 18, headerHeight : 27, sortFieldNum: 5, sortDirection: "descending", fixedRecordHeights: false, showResizeBar: false, leaveScrollbarGap: false, showHeader: true, showSelectedStyle: false, bodyBackgroundColor: "#ECE9D8", showHeaderContextMenu:false, canResizeFields:false, autoFitMaxRecords: 0, dataArrived : function (startRow,endRow){ if(endRow > 7){ this.setHeight(200); this.setAutoFitMaxHeight(200); } else this.setHeight(this.headerHeight + (this.cellHeight * endRow)); }, fields:[ {name:"rrrr", title:"RRRR", width:"80", align : "center", cellAlign: "left"}, {name:"ssss", title:"SSSS", width:"185", align : "center", cellAlign: "left"}, {name:"tttt", title:"TTTT", width:"200", align : "center", cellAlign: "left"}, { name:"uuuu", title : "UUUU", wrap : true, width:"85", align : "center", cellAlign: "right" }, { name:"vvvv", title:"VVVV", wrap : true, width:"90", align : "center", cellAlign: "right" }, { name:"wwww", title:"WWWW", width:"*", align : "center", cellAlign: "right" } ] } })
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