Is there an example somewhere on how the DateItem.showChooserFiscalYearPicker feature works.
I tried simply adding that attribute to a standard DateItem definition but it produces
an error (Cannot call method 'getDay' of undefined) when I click on that DateItem's picker icon.
It probably requires other attributes to be set, but I couldn't find any complete example for the feature:
I saw some screen shots of the feature in the forums ... I saw it added a Fiscal Year
and Fiscal Week columns to each calendar row. How easy would it be to add an extra Fiscal Quarter column ?
Thanks for your insight on that feature.
Is there an example somewhere on how the DateItem.showChooserFiscalYearPicker feature works.
I tried simply adding that attribute to a standard DateItem definition but it produces
an error (Cannot call method 'getDay' of undefined) when I click on that DateItem's picker icon.
It probably requires other attributes to be set, but I couldn't find any complete example for the feature:
isc.DynamicForm.create({ ID: "dateForm", numCols: 4, width: 600, fields: [ {name:"directInputDate1", title:"Date 1", type:"date", useTextField:true }, {name:"directInputDate2", title:"Date 2", type:"date", useTextField:true, showChooserFiscalYearPicker: true } ] });
and Fiscal Week columns to each calendar row. How easy would it be to add an extra Fiscal Quarter column ?
Thanks for your insight on that feature.