do you have an idea how to ask the user to create a new object without specifying the ID? ie it to me to specify ID during the development!
Indeed, it is not a form, I used the startEditingNew () function
here is the code :
do you have an idea how to ask the user to create a new object without specifying the ID? ie it to me to specify ID during the development!
Indeed, it is not a form, I used the startEditingNew () function
here is the code :
isc.ListGrid.create({ ID: "AttributsList", width:"*", height:370, alternateRecordStyles:true, dataSource: crm_attributs, canReorderRecords: true, autodraw: false, selectionType :"single", autoFetchData: true, showFilterEditor: false, canEdit:true, listEndEditAction: "next", sortField : "crm_attr_order", canEdit: true, editEvent: "doubleClick", autoSaveEdits:true, initialCriteria: {crm_attr_fk_kind_idnum : 9999}, fields: [ {name:"crm_attr_fk_kind_idnum", title:"Kind", width:"50", canEdit:true,align:"left", disabled: false} , {name:"crm_attr_order", title:"Order" ,width:"50",showIf:"true",canEdit:true,align:"left"} ,{name:"crm_attr_name", title:"Name",width:"*" ,align:"left",canEdit:true} ,{name:"crm_attr_datatype", title:"Type" ,width:"40",showIf:"true",canEdit:true,align:"left"} ,{name:"crm_attr_datalist", title:"Datalist", width:"118", canEdit:true ,align:"left"} ,{name:"crm_attr_variable", title:"Variable", width:"118", canEdit:true,align:"left" } ,{name:"crm_attr_min", title:"Min", width:"40", canEdit:true ,align:"left"} ,{name:"crm_attr_max", title:"Max", width:"40", canEdit:true ,align:"left"} ], gridComponents:["header", "body", Attributes_EditList], dataChanged : function () { this.Super("dataChanged", arguments); var totalRows = this.data.getLength(); if (totalRows > 0 && this.data.lengthIsKnown()) { totalsLabel.setContents(totalRows + " Attributs"); } else { totalsLabel.setContents(" "); } }, emptyMessage: " Appuyez sur le bouton <b>'+' </b>pour ajouter un nouvel attribut " }); isc.ToolStrip.create({ ID: "Attributes_EditList", autodraw: false, width: "100%", height:24, members: [ isc.ToolStripButton.create({ icon: "[SKIN]/actions/add.png", prompt: "add a new Kind", click:"AttributsList.startEditingNew()" }) ] });