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    clientonly Datasource multipleStorage

    SmartClient Version: SNAPSHOT_v9.1d_2014-01-24/Enterprise Deployment (built 2014-01-24)
    FF 25

    I have a client only DataSource created via Java which contains DataSourceEnumField fields of editor type SelectItem where multiple = true. I would like to set the multipleStorage to MultipleFieldStorage.SimpleString so that values are saved as simple comma delimited Strings rather than a List however the API for a client DataSourceField does not support multipleStorage (like the server version of DataSourceField does).

    Is there any way I can achieve this from a client only DataSource?

    This request doesn't make much sense as stated..

    The whole point of the multipleStorage subsystem is that you can save an Array/List to the field and you receive an Array/List back, and the round trip to a database field is transparently handled.

    A clientOnly DataSource does not need to do anything to implement this feature because the data simply remains an Array, in memory. It never "saves" to a database so it's unclear when you would expect this transformation to happen.

    And the only effect of such a transformation, if implemented, would be to break the ability of UI controls to work with the data, since an Array/List is what they expect...

    So could you clarify what you need?

