SmartClient Version: v9.1p_2014-04-03/PowerEdition Deployment (built 2014-04-03)
if I add a criteria to an update or remove operationBinding, like this:
I obtain the error:
even if the criteria does contains the primaryKey field:
previous releases of SmartClient didn't behave like that.
I understand that the additional criteria is not required for the operation, but I was using it to prevent unwanted updates.
And adding allowMultiUpdate="true" isn't more secure in this regard.
if I add a criteria to an update or remove operationBinding, like this:
<operationBinding operationType="update"> <criteria fieldName="TIPO" operator="equals" value="JPC"></criteria> </operationBinding>
Criteria received from the client for update operation is missing the following required unique and/or primary fields: [ID_REC]. Either provide all primary key fields or set allowMultiUpdate on the OperationBinding
{ dataSource:"JPC_AZIONI_CAMBI_STATO_CONTRAT", operationType:"update", componentId:"gestioneAzioniStatiContrattoGrid", data:{ ID_REC:721810, RUOLO_FK:94689 }, textMatchStyle:"exact", callback:"gestioneAzioniStatiContrattoGrid._updateRecordReply(dsResponse, dsRequest)", willHandleError:true, showPrompt:false, oldValues:{ NOME_STATO_SUCCESSIVO:"APP", TIPO:"JPC", ID_REC:721810, STATO_ATTUALE_FK:1102184, DESCR_STATO_SUCCESSIVO:"Approvato da Juventus", NUMERO_RIGA:-1, AZIONE:"retw", STATO_SUCCESSIVO_FK:1102190, RUOLO_FK:76795 }, requestId:"JPC_AZIONI_CAMBI_STATO_CONTRAT_request44", internalClientContext:{ saveCallback:{ }, newValues:{ ID_REC:721810, RUOLO_FK:94689 }, editInfo:{ editValuesID:"_1", rowNum:3, colNum:1, values:Obj, oldValues:Obj, editCompletionEvent:"click_outside" } }, fallbackToEval:false, lastClientEventThreadCode:"MDN0", bypassCache:true }
I understand that the additional criteria is not required for the operation, but I was using it to prevent unwanted updates.
And adding allowMultiUpdate="true" isn't more secure in this regard.