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    ListGrid "Select All" checkbox doesn't work

    SmartClient 9.1 Pro - 6/22 nightly build

    I have a listgrid with selectionAppearance: "checkbox", which correctly displays a checkbox at the beginning of each row, and a checkbox in the header above it.

    Normally, the behavior for this should be that if you click the checkbox in the header, all of the checkboxes in the row should be checked. However, what I see is that it doesn't do anything, and there are no errors in the console. I've checked this in both Firefox and IE.

    The odd thing is that if I go into the grid headers and choose "Group by" then it begins to work. If I ungroup the grid, it goes back to not working.

    In all cases, the individual checkboxes work just fine.

    Can anyone think of anything I should check into? Maybe some incompatible grid options?

    Seems to be related to 9.1 update

    I'll note that we didn't have this problem with SmartClient 9.0. It only started after we updated to 9.1. I rolled back to 9.0, which fixed the problem with that, but I'd really like to get back to 9.1.

    Maybe this gives a clue about what could have changed that would break it in 9.1?


      Check maxGroupSize and look at the totalRows.

      Also, try to set the paging / featch mode to basic.

      Be warned though.... you can run into performance issues on older versions of IE if you mess around too much with this.

      How big is the dataSet when this fails to work?

      As for why this would switch behavior between 9.0 and 9.1? I have no clue. You could always diff isomorphic/system/modules-debug/ISC_Grids.js between the 2 versions and see what has changed.

