I am trying to gather information from a grid with a dataSource. The grid is populated OK. But clicking the "Present" checkbox fails validation with the note "Must be whole number".
"Present" is not a column in the dataSource or database.
I want to strip the 'TeamMemberNames' from the records programmatically when the user clicks the checkboxes. So, I want the "boolean" type field to return a boolean value.
My code is below that defines the grid.
I am going to see if I can add 'Present' as a column somewhere. This problem does not exist for checkboxes that are expressed in a database.
P.S. I am running SmartClient Version: v8.3p_2014-06-27/EVAL on Mozilla Firefox 20.0 with Firebug using Windows 7 Premium 64 bit.
"Present" is not a column in the dataSource or database.
I want to strip the 'TeamMemberNames' from the records programmatically when the user clicks the checkboxes. So, I want the "boolean" type field to return a boolean value.
My code is below that defines the grid.
I am going to see if I can add 'Present' as a column somewhere. This problem does not exist for checkboxes that are expressed in a database.
isc.ListGrid.create({ ID:"ParticipantGrid", autoDraw:false, dataSource:"Participant", //set criteria for MeetingTypeID fields:[ { name:"Present", title:"Present", canEdit:true, type:"boolean", shouldSaveValue:false, defaultValue:false }, { name:"TeamMemberName", title:"TeamMemberName", //width:"8%", canEdit:false }, { name:"BasePhone", title:"Phone#", //width:"8%", canEdit:false }, { name:"MobilePhone", title:"Mobile#", //width:"8%", canEdit:false }, { name:"TeamMemberSMS", title:"SMS#", //width:"8%", canEdit:false }, { name:"TeamMemberEmail", title:"Email", //width:"8%", canEdit:false }, { name:"OrganizationName", title:"Organization", //width:"8%", canEdit:false }, { name:"Internal", title:"Internal", //width:"8%", type:"boolean", canEdit:false } ], showDetailFields:false, canEdit:true, editEvent:"click", selectionType:"single", canSort:false, sortField:"TeamMemberName", canReorderRecords:false, canReorderFields:false, autoFetchData:true, autoFetchDisplayMap:false, canRemoveRecords:false, warnOnRemoval:true, width:"100%", height:"*", autoFitData:"vertical", overflow:"auto", autoFetchTextMatchStyle:"exact" });
P.S. I am running SmartClient Version: v8.3p_2014-06-27/EVAL on Mozilla Firefox 20.0 with Firebug using Windows 7 Premium 64 bit.