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    SmartClient 10! Woohoo! Quick question.

    Any chance we can get the Compass / SASS source for 1 or 2 of the more popular skins?

    I've asked before and I know it was mentioned for the next release as a possibility... just checking in. :)

    Sorry, the situation is the same: SASS source is interwoven with various internals, and not ready for public consumption.


      Any progress made on that front ? Having the SASS sources would greatly enhance our capacity to keep up with SC updates efficiently.


        The advice given in the QuickStart for minimizing upgrade issues is to keep all your changes together at the end of the file. If you were to edit our rapidly changing SASS files in any way, you'd be much worse off than if you just follow the QuickStart's advice.

        That said, we plan to externalize certain settings used by the SASS scripts over time, while most of the SASS code as such remains subject to incompatible changes without notice. If there are particular scenarios that you find hard to achieve and which you want to address via SASS, let us know what those are, and consider Feature Sponsorship as a way to get those selected scenarios addressed.


          Originally posted by Isomorphic View Post
          The advice given in the QuickStart for minimizing upgrade issues is to keep all your changes together at the end of the file. If you were to edit our rapidly changing SASS files in any way, you'd be much worse off than if you just follow the QuickStart's advice.

          That said, we plan to externalize certain settings used by the SASS scripts over time, while most of the SASS code as such remains subject to incompatible changes without notice. If there are particular scenarios that you find hard to achieve and which you want to address via SASS, let us know what those are, and consider Feature Sponsorship as a way to get those selected scenarios addressed.
          That would not work in all cases, as the ordering of the rendered CSS rules is important.

          We basically end up marking the differences between the original CSS and our modified version and reapplying the changes to the new version - there are a few changes in colors, fonts, padding, gradients which I`d expect would be simplified through variables and mixins.


            Sorry, this is too vague for anyone to be able to take action on. If you can outline a specific scenario that is overly hard, we can look at solutions; the best solutions may have nothing to do with SASS.


              Hello everyone,

              the current blog entry for Version 12 mentions SASS. I'm pretty exited to see if this will save me adjustment time.

              Best regards

