SmartClient Version: v10.0p_2014-09-30/EVAL Deployment (expires 2014.11.29_06.38.33) Licensed to: Isomorphic Software (#ISC_EVAL_NIGHTLY)
The Remote Debug feature works in the feature explorer.
But it doesn't work in my application. My application is already configured with realtime messaging, and it's working.
So I assume that I don't have to touch anything in my application, is it correct?
Then I open two different browsers pointing to the same host/app, one with the isc_remoteDebug parameter:
the other without:
but nothing shows in the 'Remote' dropdown.
How could I debug this remote debugging feature? Is there something to look for in the server or client logs, some logging categories to enable?
Don't know if it could help, but after some attempt, and after closing the browser with isc_remoteDebug=true, after re-opening the developer console on the other browser I got this msg on the native alert:
The Remote Debug feature works in the feature explorer.
But it doesn't work in my application. My application is already configured with realtime messaging, and it's working.
So I assume that I don't have to touch anything in my application, is it correct?
Then I open two different browsers pointing to the same host/app, one with the isc_remoteDebug parameter:
How could I debug this remote debugging feature? Is there something to look for in the server or client logs, some logging categories to enable?
Don't know if it could help, but after some attempt, and after closing the browser with isc_remoteDebug=true, after re-opening the developer console on the other browser I got this msg on the native alert:
Error in call() - unable to resolve sendChannel>"getGlobalLogCookie", _2=>Array[0], _3=>anonymous()) @ ISC_Core.js:1727:296 saveState(_1=>undef) @ ISC_DeveloperConsole.js:57:44 eval(target=>null, eventInfo=>undef) @ [no file]:3:1 Page._handleEvent(_1=>null, _2=>"resize", _3=>undef) @ ISC_Core.js:1270:40 EventHandler.__fireResizeEvent(_1=>"landscape") @ ISC_Core.js:1598:85 EventHandler.__pageResize(_1=>true) @ ISC_Core.js:1598:6 Canvas._checkForPageResize() @ ISC_Core.js:2881:593 Class._fireCallback(_1=>Obj, _2=>undef, _3=>Array[0], _4=>[Class Canvas], _5=>undef) @ ISC_Core.js:285:49 Class.__fireActionsOnPause() @ ISC_Core.js:290:383 Class._fireCallback(_1=>Obj, _2=>undef, _3=>Array[0], _4=>[Class Canvas], _5=>undef) @ ISC_Core.js:285:78 Stack trace: [a][c]MessagingDMIClient.logMessage(_1=>2, _2=>"Error in call() - unable to resolve send..."[784], _3=>undef, _4=>undef) @ ISC_Core.js:972:190 [a][c]MessagingDMIClient.logError(_1=>"Error in call() - unable to resolve send..."[784], _2=>undef) @ ISC_Core.js:974:273>"getGlobalLogCookie", _2=>Array[0], _3=>anonymous()) @ ISC_Core.js:1727:232 saveState(_1=>undef) @ ISC_DeveloperConsole.js:…