When data is fetched from a DataSource class as defined below...
The request that is done, is something like:
Is it possible to get the isc_dataFormat parameter removed?
isc.defineClass('CustomersDataSource', isc.RestDataSource); CustomersDataSource.addProperties({ dataFormat: 'json', dataURL: '/customers', operationBindings: [ { operationType: 'fetch', dataProtocol: 'getParams' }, { operationType: 'add', dataProtocol: 'postParams' }, { operationType: 'update', dataProtocol: 'postParams', requestProperties: { httpMethod: 'PUT' } }, { operationType: 'remove', dataProtocol: 'postParams', requestProperties: { httpMethod: 'DELETE' } } ], sendMetaData: false, transformRequest: function (request) { if (request.operationType === 'fetch') { request.params = isc.addProperties({}, request.params, { offset: request.startRow, limit: request.endRow - request.startRow }); } else { request.params = isc.addProperties({}, request.params, { authenticity_token: Backend.getProperties().authenticity_token }); } return this.Super('transformRequest', arguments); } });
Is it possible to get the isc_dataFormat parameter removed?