I have two datasources described like this
JSON Response from server for "client" restdatastore:
JSON Response from server fro "cc_clientlogs_ds" restdatastore:
creation of the grid:
What I want is to display the client.name in a listgrid that is bound to cc_clientlogs_ds instead of the id provided by cc_clientlogs_ds.client . I am on it since some hours now and can't find solutions in doc or forum...
I waq thinking that foreignKey and foreignDisplayField would suffice but apprently no.
Thanks for your help !
SmartClient Version: v10.0p_2014-10-10/EVAL Development Only
I have two datasources described like this
isc.RestDataSource.create({ ID:"client", fields: [ {name:"id", type:"sequence", title:"id", primaryKey:true}, {name:"name", type:"text", title:"Nom", required:true} ], dataFormat:"json", DSDataFormat:"json", sendMetaData: true, dataURL:"/rapi/clients/" }); isc.RestDataSource.create({ ID: "cc_clientlogs_ds", dataURL: "/rapi/clientlogs/", dataFormat:"json", DSDataFormat:"json", sendMetaData: false, fields: [ {name:"id", type:"integer", title:"id", primaryKey:true, autoGenerated:true}, {name:"client", type:"integer", title:"Client", foreignKey:"client.id", foreignDisplayField:"name"}, {name:"entry_date", type: "datetime"}, {name:"comment", type: "text"}, {name:"source", type:"text"} ] });
{"response": {"startRow": 0, "data": [{"id": 1, "name": "AAA"}, {"id": 2, "name": "BBB"}, {"id": 3, "name": "CCC"}, {"id": 4, "name": "DDD"}, {"id": 5, "name": "EEE"}], "totalRows": 5, "success": true, "endRow": 4}}
{"response": {"data": [ {"id": 9, "client": 1, "entry_date": "2014-11-01T11:54:36.506Z", "comment": "Clossseeeeeee-uh !!!!", "source": "M"}, {"id": 8, "client": 1, "entry_date": "2014-11-01T11:48:14.715Z", "comment": "Opeeeeeeeeeennnnnnnnnnnnn", "source": "M"}, {"id": 7, "client": 1, "entry_date": "2014-11-01T11:47:06.423Z", "comment": "Test-euh", "source": "M"}, {"id": 6, "client": 1, "entry_date": "2014-11-01T11:45:36.572Z", "comment": "Ceci est une autorisation d'acc\u00e8s sur \nplusieurs lignes\n\nEt paf !!", "source": "M"}, {"id": 5, "client": 1, "entry_date": "2014-11-01T11:39:24.353Z", "comment": "Test de de fermeture", "source": "M"}, {"id": 4, "client": 1, "entry_date": "2014-10-31T22:12:31.662Z", "comment": "ouverture", "source": "M"}, {"id": 3, "client": 2, "entry_date": "2014-10-31T20:45:24.061Z", "comment": "Ceci est un test", "source": "M"}, {"id": 2, "client": 1, "entry_date": "2014-10-31T18:59:04.754Z", "comment": "Et paf un test de fermeture", "source": "M"}, {"id": 1, "client": 1, "entry_date": "2014-10-31T18:52:36.284Z", "comment": "Plopi plopa", "source": "S"} ], "success": true} }
creation of the grid:
isc.ListGrid.create({ ID: "cc_clientstatus_clientlogs_lg", autoDraw: false, dataSource: "cc_clientlogs_ds", autoFetchData:true, useAllDataSourceFields:true, fields:[{name:"id", hidden:true }] });
What I want is to display the client.name in a listgrid that is bound to cc_clientlogs_ds instead of the id provided by cc_clientlogs_ds.client . I am on it since some hours now and can't find solutions in doc or forum...
I waq thinking that foreignKey and foreignDisplayField would suffice but apprently no.
Thanks for your help !
SmartClient Version: v10.0p_2014-10-10/EVAL Development Only