Switching from smartclient v10.0p_2014-11-12 to v10.0p_2014-11-16 was a change affecting the visibility of FormItemIcons. This behaviour persists to the latest nightly v10.0p_2014-11-26_Pro.
In some views we are using FormItemIcons to add some usability or reset values or do other actions.
These icons should be visible as long as the user can edit the form items.
They should be invisible, if the user can't edit the form.
Updating to the version 2014-11-16 the behaviour changed like stated in the screenshot. The code below repdouces this flaw.
In some views we are using FormItemIcons to add some usability or reset values or do other actions.
These icons should be visible as long as the user can edit the form items.
They should be invisible, if the user can't edit the form.
Updating to the version 2014-11-16 the behaviour changed like stated in the screenshot. The code below repdouces this flaw.
isc.DynamicForm.create({ "width" : "100%", "height" : "100%", "padding" : 4, "numCols" : 4, "colWidths" : ["150", 300, "150", 300], "itemHoverDelay" : 1200, "saveOnEnter" : true, "wrapItemTitles" : false, "canEdit" : false, "readOnlyDisplay" : "static", "fields" : [{ "name" : "ComboBoxItem_18", "title" : "ComboBox", "type" : "text", "editorType" : "comboBox", "colSpan" : 4, "width" : "150", "icons" : [{ "src" : "http://www.smartclient.com/docs/10.0/a/system/reference/exampleImages/icons/16/icon_add_files.png", }, { "src" : "http://www.smartclient.com/docs/10.0/a/system/reference/exampleImages/icons/16/find.png", } ], "selectOnClick" : true, "readOnlyDisplay" : "static", "textMatchStyle" : "substring", "allowEmptyValue" : true }, { "name" : "DateItem_18", "title" : "Date", "type" : "date", "icons" : [{ "src" : "http://www.smartclient.com/docs/10.0/a/skins/Enterprise/images/actions/back.png", "neverDisable" : true, "tabIndex" : -1, "click" : function (form, item, icon) { var value = item.getValue(); var itemValue = (value) ? value : new Date(); if (item.isDisabled() == false) { item.setValue(new Date(itemValue.getTime() - 86400000)); if (typeof(item.changed) == "function") item.changed(); } } }, { "src" : "http://www.smartclient.com/docs/10.0/a/skins/Enterprise/images/actions/forward.png", "prompt" : "Erhöht das Datum um einen Tag.", "neverDisable" : true, "tabIndex" : -1, "click" : function (form, item, icon) { var value = item.getValue(); var itemValue = (value) ? value : new Date(); if (item.isDisabled() == false) { item.setValue(new Date(itemValue.getTime() + 86400000)); if (typeof(item.changed) == "function") item.changed(); } } } ], "textAlign" : "left", "readOnlyDisplay" : "static", "useTextField" : true, "enforceDate" : true, "showChooserWeekPicker" : true } ], "values" : { "ComboBoxItem_18" : "chosen value", "DateItem_18" : "11/26/2014" } })