We have a major bug which prevents us from deploying our next version of our app.
Calling saveAllEdits on a current edited tree results in a js-error with "too much recursion" in the ISC_Core.js file.
To get this error you only have to edit a cell in a treegrid and afterwards call tree.saveAllEdits(). See it also here:
with this code you can reproduce this issue:
We are using the latest nightly build SmartClient_v100p_2014-12-04_Pro.
In Version SmartClient_v100p_2014-11-26_Pro the bug wasn't present and in verison SmartClient_v100p_2014-12-02_Pro we first discovered it.
Calling saveAllEdits on a current edited tree results in a js-error with "too much recursion" in the ISC_Core.js file.
To get this error you only have to edit a cell in a treegrid and afterwards call tree.saveAllEdits(). See it also here:
with this code you can reproduce this issue:
isc.TreeGrid.create({ "ID" : "theMainTree", "width" : "100%", "height" : "100%", "canEdit" : true, "fields" : [{ "name" : "titleField", "title" : "theTitle", "type" : "text" } ], data : isc.Tree.create({ "modelType" : "children", "openProperty" : "isOpen", "root" : { "title" : "Root", "id" : "3", "children" : [{ "title" : "", "isFolder" : false, "isOpen" : false, "id" : "1", "canEdit" : true, "isSelected" : false, "titleField" : "write here" } ] } }) }); isc.Button.create({ left:20, top:60, "action": function(){ theMainTree.saveAllEdits(); }, width: 200, "title": 'crash' });
In Version SmartClient_v100p_2014-11-26_Pro the bug wasn't present and in verison SmartClient_v100p_2014-12-02_Pro we first discovered it.