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    Issues with ListGrid quick search at the top of the grid while working with combo Box

    Hi Isomorphic,

    I'm having issues with ListGrid quick search at the top of the grid while working with combo Box item. Below is the field declaration:

    <editorProperties valueField ="currencyCode" displayField="currencyName"/>
    <filterEditorProperties operator ="equals"/>

    Problem is that, it sends currencyName and typed in value as a parameter while I want currencyCode in the backend. We're upgrading from SC 7.2 and same code worked in SC that version.


    When the user types in a value in a comboBox, the comboBox sends this as criteria for the displayField, because that's the what the value is intended to be matched against. This is correct behavior.

    We're not sure what you were seeing in 7.2 - that's too old to even speculate. But if you somehow got the comboBox to send criteria against the valueField instead of the displayField, that would have been a bug in 7.2, and we would not attempt to re-introduce such a bug into the latest version, so you should adjust your code.

