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    Portal Dashboard sample: portlet sizing problem

    SmartClient Version: v10.0p_2014-12-16/EVAL Development Only (expires 2015.02.14_07.41.00) Licensed to: Isomorphic Software (#ISC_EVAL_NIGHTLY)

    Chrome on OSX

    We're in the process of upgrading our licenses to 10 -Enterprise Edition, and the first Enterprise feature we need it's the 'Portal Dashboard', so I've got some questions/problems about it..

    as you could see in this video illustrating the issue (#portalDashboard sample):

    1. the height of the portlets is not a percentage, so when I open a dashboard saved on a 'taller' page, I got a scrollbar on the portlet column.

    2. If I create a new dashboard, add a portlet, save it, then edit the same dashboard, add another portlet, again a scrollbar appears.

    Is it intended behavior? Are there available settings to change it?

    developer console logs:
    11:19:29.392:INFO:Log:isc.Page is loaded
    11:19:31.434:WARN:Log:New Class ID: 'IAutoFitButton' collides with ID of existing Class object '[Class IAutoFitButton]'.  Existing object will be replaced.
    11:19:31.434:WARN:Log:New Class ID: 'HeaderMenuButton' collides with ID of existing Class object '[Class HeaderMenuButton]'.  Existing object will be replaced.
    11:19:31.440:WARN:Log:Detected loading of more than one skin - 'Enterprise' was loaded when 'Enterprise' was already loaded.  See the QuickStart Guide for instructions on correctly changing the current skin
    11:19:35.871:XRP2:WARN:Log:ClassFactory.addGlobalID: ID:'animals' for object '[DataSource ID:animals]' collides with ID of existing object '[DataSource ID:animals]'. The global reference to this object will be replaced
    11:19:42.607:MUP2:WARN:PortalColumnBody:PortalColumn0_rowLayout:couldn't find member to remove: [PortalRow ID:PortalRow2]
    11:19:42.624:MUP2:WARN:PortalColumnBody:PortalColumn0_rowLayout:couldn't find member to remove: [PortalRow ID:PortalRow0]
    11:20:02.486:MUP0:WARN:PortalColumnBody:PortalColumn0_rowLayout:couldn't find member to remove: [PortalRow ID:PortalRow0]
    11:20:08.294:TMR9:WARN:GridBody:ListGrid1_body:row heights not yet available; returning all zeroes

    Thanks for pointing out this issue. It should be fixed in tomorrow's nightly build.


      SmartClient Version: v10.0p_2015-01-14/EVAL Development Only (expires 2015.03.15_10.24.32) Licensed to: Isomorphic Software (#ISC_EVAL_NIGHTLY)

      verified, thank you very much

