I have written a new module that contains two list grids stacked on top of each other, both with variable numbers of columns (per client or user basis). I'm seeing at least 4 seconds of browser lag time to render the SmartClient widgets using initial data. In some cases our server time is over 1 second, so plus network latency we are seeing over 6 seconds to load a page, most of which is spent spinning in the browser.
Here's a test case I wrote to show the issue. Our prod code has a little bit more cell formatting code, but the times are within 1s of what we're seeing in prod. I used 1920x1080 resolution on Chrome Version 39.0.2171.95 developer tools to profile the time scales; however, the lag is consistent across all major browsers as well.
Is there anything I can do to make list grids with initial data load faster? Thank you.
Here's a test case I wrote to show the issue. Our prod code has a little bit more cell formatting code, but the times are within 1s of what we're seeing in prod. I used 1920x1080 resolution on Chrome Version 39.0.2171.95 developer tools to profile the time scales; however, the lag is consistent across all major browsers as well.
Is there anything I can do to make list grids with initial data load faster? Thank you.
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