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    Event when cavas became visible

    I am looking for a possibility to get a notify, when a special tab of a tabset became visible.

    The whole tabset will be invisible in various situations (parent sectionstack collapsed, the whole part of the application (=surrouning canvas') can be fade out, etc.).

    Experimental I override the show(), redraw() and draw() function of the inner H-Layout to add an alert(). The alert poped when the Tab was clicked the first time - all ok. But if I collapse the sectionstack or hide the whole part of the application and then returned to my previous view, the alert was not triggered again - thats my problem. Can I override an other function or observe something else to get notifyed?

    Probably the best place is the tabSelected() event on the TabSet.


      Thank's for the tip. We are allready using tabSelected in other cases. Its a great function thats works very steadily. But it fires only if the user (or a function) selects the tab, not if we hide/show the parent or parent-parent element.

      In the meantime we programed a workaround, even though a canvas-I-Got-Visible-function that can be overwritten or observed would be nicer.

