While obviously one can not permit reordering a record into a different group, it would still make sense to reorder within a group, but it doesn't work:
1) If I go to one of your examples:
2) Group by Continent using header bar menu. There are 3 countries in the first group (North America) ordered US, CA, MX.
3) I can't, for example, reorder through Drag/Drop US to come after MX.
4) I can ungroup, drag the US to come after MX, and then regroup, and that results in the ordering I intended from Step 3...
5) If I click the reordering buttons, I get the following error (Chrome 40):
1) If I go to one of your examples:
2) Group by Continent using header bar menu. There are 3 countries in the first group (North America) ordered US, CA, MX.
3) I can't, for example, reorder through Drag/Drop US to come after MX.
4) I can ungroup, drag the US to come after MX, and then regroup, and that results in the ordering I intended from Step 3...
5) If I click the reordering buttons, I get the following error (Chrome 40):
12:14:50.180:MUP0:WARN:Log:TypeError: undefined is not a function Stack from error.stack: [o]ImgButton.click(<arguments not available - function exited>) @ [no file]:251:28 ImgButton.handleActivate(<arguments not available - function exited>) @ ISC_Foundation.js:228:108 ImgButton.handleClick(<arguments not available - function exited>) @ ISC_Foundation.js:229:13 [c]EventHandler.bubbleEvent(_1=>undefined, _2=>undefined, _3=>undefined, _4=>undefined) @ ISC_Core.js:1375:139 [c]EventHandler.handleClick(_1=>undefined, _2=>undefined) @ ISC_Core.js:1248:577 EventHandler.(_1=>undefined, _2=>undefined) @ ISC_Core.js:1237:26 [c]EventHandler.handleMouseUp(_1=>undefined, _2=>undefined) @ ISC_Core.js:1231:41 [c]EventHandler.dispatch(_1=>function isc_c_EventHandler_handleMouseUp(_1,_2){var _3=isc.EH;if(!_3.nativeDragging&&isc.Browser.isTouch&&!_2)return;if(isc.Browser.isIE&&!_3.$j6){if(_3.$94x)return;var _4=_3.lastEvent;_4.eventType=_3.MOUSE_DOWN;_3.handleMouseDown(null,_3.lastEvent)} _3.$94x=_2;if(!_2)_3.$ku=true;var _5=_3.$k5(_1,_2);_3.$ku=false;if(isc.Browser.isSafari)_5=true;return _5}, _2=>[object MouseEvent]) @ ISC_Core.js:1447:155 HTMLDocument.eval(event=>[object MouseEvent]) @ [no file]:3:123