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    Supported firefox versions

    Hi there,

    We are currently using "Version v10.0p_2015-02-28/Pro Deployment - 2015-02-28" and have multiple users which are using some kind of old browser. Because of this, some parts of the views are not working the proper way like with a newer versions of the browser.

    For Example:
    Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:10.0.2) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/10.0.2
    Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:6.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/6.0
    There is a document (unsupported_browser.html) with heading "Unsupported Browser Version". It lists that Firefox is supported from 3.6.x to 31.x.
    I don't think this is correct anymore. Our workaround is, to tell our customer to update their browser, but smartclient should also update the list of supported browsers, if they're not supported anymore.

    Is there any updated list? Firefox is released with version 36 and not officially supported?

    Best Regards

    The Unsupported Browser HTML page should not be taken as a definitive list for browser support. It has indeed grown a little stale and we will make sure it gets updated in the near future.

    SmartClient 10.0 supports the most recent versions of the major browsers, including Firefox 36.x

    This is basically always going to be true of the current release version of SmartClient.

    In terms of our support for older browsers - the important thing is to decide what *you* want to support. Generally this should be a subset of what we support.

    If you have a customer-facing app, our advice is to officially advertise support for only the most recent version of most browsers, plus some older versions of IE, and the extended support releases of Firefox. You might support one older version of Safari on MacOS to support older MacOS releases; consider nixing Windows Safari which is very rare. There is little reason for most apps to officially support Opera.

    Doing this will simplify supporting your app. There's no reason to accept bug reports on fringe browsers even if you are just going to forward them on to Isomorphic; this still wastes your time. And you can always agree to fix something that comes up for an important customer, even if it's a browser you don't support.

    We will still accept bugs reproducible in older browsers, (particularly older versions of IE where upgrading may be more involved), but if prompting your customers to upgrade to the latest browser versions is an option we'd recommend this.

    You also may be interested in what browsers are in general usage (this article includes data up to Nov 2014) - the market share for older versions of Firefox and Chrome at this time is quite small.

    Isomorphic Software

    Edit: A quick additional note: Mozilla also recommends upgrading due to security vulnerabilities in older versions - another reason to recommend an upgrade.
    Last edited by Isomorphic; 9 Mar 2015, 09:57. Reason: Added link to Mozilla security vulnerabilities article


      thanks for the response,

      Our supported browsers are also a subset of the smartclient-supported browsers. Currently we also have accepted old firefox versions like 3.6 but there were some bugs using ths old versions. Instead of reproducing (which is indeed a waste of time for us) we prefer that the user updates his very old browser.

