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    SmartClient v9.1_Pro - AutoFit / "both" issue


    We are facing an issue with the version v91p_2014-11-24_Pro (I upgraded to the last nightly build and the issue is still there) and autoFit.

    We created a ListGrid with the foolowing params
    autoFitFieldWidths : true
    autoFitFieldsFillViewPort : false
    autoFitWidthApproach : "both"
    autoFetchData : false
    The first time we display the list, columns are adjusted to fit titles size (which seems logic as we have no data in the list).

    Then when I trigger the fetchData, I'm expecting that column widths are updated to fit "both" data and title size. But it's not.
    If I trigger the fetch another time (so with data in the list), column widths are updated well.

    With the version we used before this one (v91p_2014-07-23_Pro), we didn't face this issue. I have a look in the code, and it seems that the code has change in ListGrid.setData().

    In v91p_2014-07-23_Pro the code was
        // if any fields are marked as autoFitWidth, recalculate their sizes
        this.updateFieldWidthsForAutoFitValue("setData called.");
    and was replaced by the following code in v91p_2014-11-24_Pro
        // if any fields are marked as autoFitWidth, recalculate their sizes
        if (this.isEmpty() && ((isc.ResultSet && isc.isA.ResultSet( ||
                        (isc.ResultTree && isc.isA.ResultTree( )
            this._updateFieldWidthsOnDataArrived = true;
        } else {
        this.updateFieldWidthsForAutoFitValue("setData called.");
    Do you have any suggestion/idea to have "autoFit / "both"" working at the first time we fetch data?

    Thank you.

    This may be the result of a regression that existed briefly in 9.1p builds - current builds do not seem to have the problem you describe.

    Please update to the latest patch build. If you still experience an issue, we'll need to see some details of how you are calling fetchData(), and whether you have any manual calls to setData().


      I already try to upgrade to the last nightly build and still having the issue.

      There is nothing in particular, we just call ListGrid.fetchData() on our list which is binded to a dataSource. And no we don't any manual calls to setData().


        We're taking a look. We'll follow up when we have more information for you.

        Isomorphic Software


          We've made a change to address this issue in 9.1p, 10.0p and 10.1d.
          Please try the next nightly build, dated March 5 or above

          Isomorphic Software


            I tried the last nightly build and it works now.
            Thanks for your reactivity.


