The bug is reproducible on SC version 10.0p, Built: 2015-03-25 on FireFox ESR 31.5.3, Google Chrome, MS IE 11.
Steps to reproduce:
1. copy the code to SC feature explorer
2. type in "s" into imput field and press [Validate] button
3. the error icon is displayed on right side of the input field - OK
4. move by mouse from bottom side to the error icon and hover on the error icon -> tooltip is displayed - OK
5. move by mouse to text item rectangle, which contains "s" and then move by mouse DIRECTLY to error icon (from left to right) and stop (hover) on error icon -> BUG: tooltip is NOT displayed
isc.DynamicForm.create({ ID: "boundForm", dataSource: "type", errorOrientation : "right" }); isc.Button.create({ top: 60, title: "Validate", click: "boundForm.validate()" });
1. copy the code to SC feature explorer
2. type in "s" into imput field and press [Validate] button
3. the error icon is displayed on right side of the input field - OK
4. move by mouse from bottom side to the error icon and hover on the error icon -> tooltip is displayed - OK
5. move by mouse to text item rectangle, which contains "s" and then move by mouse DIRECTLY to error icon (from left to right) and stop (hover) on error icon -> BUG: tooltip is NOT displayed