I'm trying to draw a line on a chart with an x axis of date values. But, it appears that getXCoord() isn't working correctly when passed a date property.
You can see an example here:
You can see in chartBackGroundDrawn I am trying to get the x coordinate of a few date items from the chart data but getXCoord() is returning null.
What am I doing wrong? Here is the code I am using...
I'm trying to draw a line on a chart with an x axis of date values. But, it appears that getXCoord() isn't working correctly when passed a date property.
You can see an example here:
You can see in chartBackGroundDrawn I am trying to get the x coordinate of a few date items from the chart data but getXCoord() is returning null.
What am I doing wrong? Here is the code I am using...
var stockChart = isc.FacetChart.create({ ID: "stockChart", autoDraw: false, showTitle: false, showDataAxisLabel: false, canZoom: true, chartType: "Line", facets: [{ id: "date", title: "Day" }], valueProperty: "close", labelCollapseMode: "time", minLabelGap: 4, rotateLabels: "never", _loadingMessage: "Loading data ...", _errorMessage: "This test uses sample data provided by Yahoo™ Finance, " + "but Yahoo data is not currently available. Refresh the sample to " + "try again. You may need to wait a while for the Yahoo service to " + "become available again.", _showMessage : function (message, alignCenter) { var label = this._label; if (label == null) { label = this._label = isc.Label.create({ autoDraw: false, contents: "", valign: "center", wrap: true, showEdges: false }); stockChart.addChild(label); } label.setContents(message); var alignment = (alignCenter ? "center" : "left"); label.setAlign(alignment); var widthRatio = 0.6, heightRatio = 0.6; var width = this.getWidth(), height = this.getHeight(); label.setTop(Math.round((1 - heightRatio) / 2 * height)); label.setLeft(Math.round((1 - widthRatio) / 2 * width)); label.setHeight(Math.round(heightRatio * height)); label.setWidth(Math.round(widthRatio * width)); label.show(); }, _hideMessage : function () { if (this._label != null) { this._label.hide(); } }, _updateData : function (symbol, name) { // Clear the chart and display a loading message. this.destroyItems(); this._showMessage(this._loadingMessage, true); var _this = this, stockDs = isc.DataSource.get("stockData"); stockDs.fetchData({ symbol: symbol }, function (dsResponse, data) { if (isc.isAn.Array(data) && data.length > 0) { _this._hideMessage(); _this.setProperty("title", name); _this.setData(data.sortByProperty("date", Date.compareDates)); } else { _this._showMessage(_this._errorMessage, false); _this.setData([]); } }); }, chartBackgroundDrawn : function() { var startX = this.getXCoord(this.data[100].date) var stopX = this.getXCoord(this.data[150].date) isc.DrawLine.create({ drawPane: this, startPoint: [startX,100], endPoint : [stopX, 400], autoDraw: true }, { lineWidth: 10, lineColor: "blue", linePattern: "solid" }); } }); var symbolForm = isc.DynamicForm.create({ items: [{ name: "symbol", title: "Stock Symbol", editorType: "comboBox", autoFetchData: true, optionDataSource: "nasdaqSymbols", pickListWidth: 450, pickListFields: [{ name: "symbol"}, { name: "name" }], displayField: "name", valueField: "symbol", sortField: "symbol", changeOnKeypress: false, changed : "stockChart._updateData(value, item.getDisplayValue(value))", defaultToFirstOption: true, clearValue : function () { this.Super("clearValue", arguments); stockChart._updateData(this.getValue(), this.getDisplayValue()); } }] }); isc.VLayout.create({ width: "100%", height: "100%", margin: 5, membersMargin: 20, members: [symbolForm, stockChart] });