We noticed the following in our app and were able to recreate a test case for you:
Use this code and export to PDF and you'll see the arrowhead is missing:
We noticed the following in our app and were able to recreate a test case for you:
Use this code and export to PDF and you'll see the arrowhead is missing:
var mainPane = isc.DrawPane.create({ autoDraw: false, showEdges: true, width: 400, height: 400, canDrag: true }); isc.DrawLine.create({ autoDraw: true, drawPane: mainPane, lineWidth: 20, lineColor:"#002A68", linePattern: "solid", lineCap: "butt", startArrow: null, endArrow: "block", startPoint: [8, 50], endPoint: [118, 50] }); var form = isc.DynamicForm.create({ autoDraw: false, topPadding: 5, width: 300, numCols: 2, items: [{ name: "format", type: "select", title: "Export format", valueMap: { "png": "PNG", "jpeg": "JPEG", "pdf": "PDF" }, required: true, defaultValue: "png", changed : function (form, item, value) { var format = value; var qualityItem = form.getItem("quality"); if (format == "jpeg") qualityItem.show(); else qualityItem.hide(); form.getItem("_saveButton").setTitle(format == "pdf" ? "Save" : "Save Image"); } }, { name: "quality", type: "integer", title: "JPEG quality", editorType: "slider", minValue: 0, maxValue: 100, numValues: 21, defaultValue: 80, showIf: "form.getValue('format') == 'jpeg'", titleVAlign: "top", colSpan: 2, height: 50, required: true }, { name: "_saveButton", title: "Save", type: "button", click : function (form) { var format = form.getValue("format"); if (format == "pdf") { isc.RPCManager.exportContent(mainPane, { exportDisplay: "download", exportFilename: "masterpiece" }); } else { isc.RPCManager.exportImage(mainPane.getSvgString(), { exportDisplay: "download", exportImageFormat: format, exportImageQuality: form.getValue("quality")/100, exportFilename: "masterpiece" }); } } }] }); var layout = isc.HLayout.create({ membersMargin: 20, members: [mainPane, form] });