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    Right-click contextMenu for calendar events

    Hey guys,

    we would like to display right-click menus for timeline events.
    It seems that at the moment only the rollover context button supports context menus. Eventhough that’s better than nothing, it is not really what we want since it seems to be not very intuitive . In other components it is also possible to open a contextmenu just with a right click for example in a listgrid.

    I discovered, that if you open the context button menu once (see picture 1), you suddenly can open the same context menu with a right click on the event (see picture 2).

    Picture 01:

    Picture 02:

    I think, there is something wrong, and there should be the possibility to get a contextMenu if there is a contextmenu defined in the calendarEvent.
    This is tested against the latst nighlty SmartClient_v100p_2015-04-24_Pro and the latest chrome version.

    Here is the code for reproduction:
    	"ID" : "timeline",
    	"width" : "100%",
    	"height" : "100%",
    	"startDate" : new Date(2015, 2, 1),
    	"endDate" : new Date(2015, 2, 5),
    	"showEventDescriptions" : false,
    	"showEventHeaders" : false,
    	"canEditEvents" : false,
    	"canCreateEvents" : false,
    	"showControlsBar" : false,
    	"getEventCanvasMenuItems" : function(canvas) {
    		return canvas.event.contextMenu.items
    	"lanes" :
    		"hierarchyLevel" : 1,
    		"height" : 30,
    		"name" : "1",
    		"title" : "January"
    	"data" :
    		"lane" : "1",
    		"startDate" : new Date(2015, 2, 2, 0, 0),
    		"backgroundColor" : "#00BD02",
    		"endDate" : new Date(2015, 2, 4, 23, 59),
    		"contextMenu" : isc.Menu.create({
    			 items : [
    				 {title: "item1"},
    				 {title: "item2"}
    Is it somehow possible to directly display the context menu with a right click on the whole calendar event without first clicking on the context button?

    Best regards

    Hi there,
    Any news on this? i consider this as a bug, because you can't right-click on the event at fist, but opening the contextmenu through the button, it seems to be render at every event with a right-click.

    Best Regards


      Don't worry, we didn't miss this - it's somewhere between an enhancement and a bug, so it is queued behind a few actual bugs, but we will get back to you on this soon.


        Thanks for the answer.
        I was indeed worried, that this maybe would be missed ;-)


          This is fixed for builds of 10.x dated May 5 and later - the context menu will now be automatically displayed on right-click, as long as showEventCanvasContextMenu is not set to false and getEventCanvasMenuItems() returns a non-empty array.


            Thanks, fix confirmed for the latest nightly (SmartClient_v100p_2015-05-05_Pro).

