Using SmartClient Version: v9.1p_2015-05-21/PowerEdition Deployment (built 2015-05-21)
We have a ComboBox defined like so:
When we open the combo box and type "A", the values in the combo box are filtered properly. However, when we hit backspace and remove "A", the combobox does not remove the "A" filter, so all options are not visible again. The "A" is removed from the combo box, but not the filter editor for the TEST_NAME column. To regain the complete list, the user has to manually remove the value from the TEST_NAME filter, or close and re-open the ComboBox.
We have a ComboBox defined like so:
isc.defineClass("TestItem","ComboBoxItem").addProperties({ valueField:"TEST_ID", optionDataSource: "TESTS", optionOperationId:'picklist', displayField:"TEST_NAME", addUnknownValues: false, pickListWidth: 600, loadingDisplayValue:'', pickListProperties: { autoFitFieldWidths: true, autoFitWidthApproach: "both", showFilterEditor:true } pickListFields: [ {name:"TEST_NAME"}, {name:"START_DATE"}, {name:"END_DATE"}, {name:"REQUIRED") ] });