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    ListGrid tied to ds making save call on edited record even autoSaveEdits:false

    We have an editable ListGrid tied to datasource and one of the column type is comboBox, which on changing and tabbing out of the column makes a server SAVE action even when the ListGrid properties set to autoSaveEdits: false, editOnFocus: true,canEdit: true,alwaysShowEditors: true,confirmDiscardEdits: false

    Note: This happens only to the last row change and tabbing out of the editable column.

    SmartClient Version: isc_version=v9.1p_2015-06-04.js

    Browser: All browsers, Windows 7 & 8.

    isomorphic/IDACall?isc_rpc=1&isc_v=v9.1p_2015-06-04&isc_xhr=1 HTTP/1.1

    Appreciate if you can let us know what is triggering this and how to prevent, as we want all the save to happen on clicking the button and calling ListGrid's saveAllEdits();
    Last edited by subashk; 23 Jun 2015, 07:57.

    Fixed it by setting this property to ListGrid, wish this was by default.

    listEndEditAction : "stop"
    Last edited by subashk; 23 Jun 2015, 11:16.


      Sounds like you have an approach that works for you, but just to let you know, initiating editing of a new row (the default behavior for navigating past the end of the data set) would not normally cause any kind of save action to be initiated. It just creates client-side storage of a new, unsaved record - see the Grid Editing overview for details.

      As far as figuring out whether this request came from, you provided way too little information to even confirm whether a save operation was initiated (as opposed to some other kind of server contact). If you'd like to follow up on this, see the FAQ for required information when posting about issues.

