I am using select with editorType: "comboBox". I have its data set to a dataSource. DatSouce has two fields: filenumber and id that are set as following:
valueField: "id", displayField: "filenumber"
When I select something from combo and saveData() my server receives id as a combo value. But in case I am typing non-existent file number then the server has it as a file id. While I can work around that still is it possible to return 0 as a combo value when new data was entered?
valueField: "id", displayField: "filenumber"
When I select something from combo and saveData() my server receives id as a combo value. But in case I am typing non-existent file number then the server has it as a file id. While I can work around that still is it possible to return 0 as a combo value when new data was entered?