I am trying to pull up a listGrid and make changes to it and then commit all of the changes at the end. Right now I am just working on the display side and am using hard coded JS data. It appears that I can add a record and update a record without going back to the server but I can't find a delete function. The removeSelectedData() function goes directly to the server.
On the same topic, am I going to have a problem committing changes from added and updated records? Will the saveAllEdits() function do this?
On the same topic, am I going to have a problem committing changes from added and updated records? Will the saveAllEdits() function do this?
this.addMembers([ isc.ListGrid.create({ ID: "TPAList", width:400, height:224, alternateRecordStyles:true, showAllRecords:true, fields:[ {name:"TPA", title:"TPA"} ], data: TPAData, canEdit: true, editEvent: "doubleClick" }), isc.HLayout.create({ members:[ isc.IButton.create({ top:250, title:"Add New", click:"TPAList.startEditingNew()" }) ,isc.IButton.create({ top:250, title:"Edit", click:"TPAList.startEditing(TPAList.getRecordIndex(TPAList.getSelectedRecord()),0)" }) ,isc.IButton.create({ top:250, title:"Delete", click:"TPAList.removeSelectedData()" }) ], autoDraw:false, width:"100%", height:"50px" }), isc.IButton.create({ top:250, title:"Commit Changes", click:"TPAList.saveAllEdits()", autoFit:"true" }) ]);