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    REST WS 204 Response


    I'm working with a REST web service that, upon a delete, sends a response back that is an HTTP Status 204 (success), but there is no actual response body (by definition). It appears that DataSource._handleJSONTextReply barfs when there is no response body, and the code never makes it to my derived DataSource class and its transformResponse() function where I could deal with it.

    The developer console cheerfully reports that the response is a success, but my ListGrid doesn't update for the obvious reasons.

    Could this be fixed?


    Kirk Austin

    This was fixed in 7.0 beta, however, consider a more complete protocol if you can: emtpy responses don't provide the ability to return server generated values like sequences and timestamps.



      I'm using 7.0 beta and I am seeing the problem. Maybe it's fixed in an internal build that I don't have.

      Anyway, sequences and timestamps can be returned in the header fields, so a response body is not necessary. Also, REST makes greater use of the HTTP response codes for errors, so the error is not always embedded in the body either.

      The nice thing about the existing services is that they are auto-generated, so no effort is expended to write them. I'd rather not have to go in and tweak them if I don't absolutely have to. Everything else about them seems to work fine.


      Kirk Austin

