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    Checkbox unselected on sorting

    There is a problem in listgrid when we are sorting a paticular field.

    If there are some check box against any row(to select it for some operation),
    -->and we have selected some rows,
    --->after that on sorting list on basis of any field(column) ,
    ---->those checkboxes got deseleted ..

    Help needed in some solution for the same ...
    so that even after sorting , previously selected rows continue to show the checkbox selected..

    Hi ParulD,
    I don't fully understand this issue report. Sorting should not change the values of any cells in the grid regardless of whether they're boolean (checkbox fields) or something else.

    Perhaps it would be simplest to post your ListGrid definition along with a set of steps we could take to reproduce the problem so we can understand just what's going wrong

    Isomorphic Software Support


      Checkbox unselected on sorting

      I am also having same problem..

      Help me if you can


        Having same problem

        Dear Isomorphic,

        Me too having the same problem...

        I added a boolean field in datasource and created a listgrid using the same datasource and set useAllDataSourceFields to true.

        fld = {name:"cc_select", type:"boolean", title:"Select", defaultValue:false, canEdit:true, canToggle:true, width:"40"};
        The listgrid is not editable and i will make the boolean field as checked if the row is selected using the following code in selectionChanged event:

        var row = this.getRecordIndex(record);
        this.setEditValue(row, "cc_select", state);
        When i'm doing header sort after selecting some rows the check box is cleared.

        Please help me solve this bug...
        Thanks in advance.


