We are using Smartclient within Liferay portal server to show up a modal window. We have done by calling a javascript function on body onload of the Portal page. Following is the code -
The isc components are loaded in the head section of the vm.
The load_skin.js is present under the location /services/2/isomorphic/skins/wl/
This set up works fine in development environment which is Liferay deployed on weblogic in Windows PC.
The same set up behaves in an inconsistent manner in our integration environment. Most of the time, when the pop up window comes up, there's a javascript error and the window hangs with the message contacting server. The OK button on the popup window also is non-clickable; basically the focus remains within the popup listgrid component.
The integration environment has a cluster of weblogic app servers + iPlanet web servers + apache reverse proxy.
The portal page has portlets using smartclient; meaning multiple isc definitions. Since this works locally, I believe this might not be an issue.
Any pointers would be of great help.
We are using Smartclient within Liferay portal server to show up a modal window. We have done by calling a javascript function on body onload of the Portal page. Following is the code -
function openModalWindow(){ isc.RestDataSource.create({ ID:"showAlertDS", fields:[ {name:"AlertList", primaryKey:true, canEdit:false} ], fetchDataURL:"/services/2/AlertAction_execute.action", operationBindings : [ { operationType:"fetch", dataProtocol:"postParams"} ] }); isc.ListGrid.create({ ID: "showAlertList", width:500, height:250, alternateRecordStyles:true, dataSource: showAlertDS, fields:[ {name:"AlertList"} ], dataPageSize: 100, selectionType:"none", showRollOver:false, autoFetchData:true, showHeader:false, showHover:false, canEdit:false, canSort:false, wrapCells: true, fixedRecordHeights: false }); isc.DynamicForm.create({ ID:"checkBoxItems", cellPadding:5, numCols:4, height:20, align:"center", autoDraw:false, fields:[ {defaultValue:true,name:"$wl_checkBox",visible:false,ID:"checkBoxValue",type:"CheckboxItem",width:150}, {name:"$wl_okButton",type:"button",click:"clickEventMethod();modalWindowAlert.closeClick();"} ] }); isc.VLayout.create({ ID:"checkBoxStack", layoutTopMargin:20, members:[checkBoxItems] }); isc.Window.create({ ID: "modalWindowAlert", title: "$wl_modalAlertTitle", autoSize:true, showMinimizeButton:false, showCloseButton:false, showShadow:false, showHeader:false, overflow:"auto", autoCenter: true, isModal: true, showModalMask: true, autoDraw: true }); modalWindowAlert.addItem(showAlertList); modalWindowAlert.addItem(checkBoxStack); }
<head> <title>ABC</title> $theme.include($top_head_include) #css ($css_main_file) #js ($js_main_file) <script>window.isomorphicDir='/services/2/isomorphic/';</script> <script src='/services/2/isomorphic/system/modules/ISC_Core.js'></script> <script src='/services/2/isomorphic/system/modules/ISC_Foundation.js'></script> <script src='/services/2/isomorphic/system/modules/ISC_Containers.js'></script> <script src='/services/2/isomorphic/system/modules/ISC_Grids.js'></script> <script src='/services/2/isomorphic/system/modules/ISC_Forms.js'></script> <script src='/services/2/isomorphic/system/modules/ISC_DataBinding.js'></script> <script src='/services/2/isomorphic/skins/wl/load_skin.js'></script> </head>
This set up works fine in development environment which is Liferay deployed on weblogic in Windows PC.
The same set up behaves in an inconsistent manner in our integration environment. Most of the time, when the pop up window comes up, there's a javascript error and the window hangs with the message contacting server. The OK button on the popup window also is non-clickable; basically the focus remains within the popup listgrid component.
The integration environment has a cluster of weblogic app servers + iPlanet web servers + apache reverse proxy.
The portal page has portlets using smartclient; meaning multiple isc definitions. Since this works locally, I believe this might not be an issue.
Any pointers would be of great help.