We are using SC client-side only - calling a .net set of webservices.
In SC 6.5, we have no problems retrieving the wsdl for our services using the following call
However, when we make the same call to the v7 beta framework, the call does not complete. It would appear that the call is trying to use the httpproxy even though it is all happening on localhost, and so I would not expect the proxy to be used. I do understand that in order to use the httpproxy facility we need the SC server installed - and so my question is how can we tell the code not to use it...
Is this something that has changed in V7?
Many thanks for any pointers...
In SC 6.5, we have no problems retrieving the wsdl for our services using the following call
However, when we make the same call to the v7 beta framework, the call does not complete. It would appear that the call is trying to use the httpproxy even though it is all happening on localhost, and so I would not expect the proxy to be used. I do understand that in order to use the httpproxy facility we need the SC server installed - and so my question is how can we tell the code not to use it...
Is this something that has changed in V7?
Log for WSDL error in SmartClient console: 10:53:59.312:INFO:Log:initialized 10:53:59.921:INFO:Log:isc.Page is loaded 10:53:59.968:WARN:Log:Error: 'The system cannot locate the resource specified. ' in file:///C:/Homepages/index.html at line 1077 Comm.sendXmlHttpRequest(_1=>Obj) RPCManager.sendQueue(_1=>undef, _2=>undef, _3=>undef) RPCManager.resubmitTransaction(_1=>Obj) RPCManager.resendTransactionsFlagged(_1=>Obj, _2=>"delayed") RPCManager.resendDelayedTransactions(null, undef) "this.delayingTransactions=false;this.resendTransactionsFlagged(null,"delayed")" Page.handleEvent(_1=>null, _2=>"load", _3=>undef) EventHandler.handleLoad(_1=>Obj{type:error}) 10:54:00.031:XRP3:WARN:Log:Error: 'The system cannot locate the resource specified. ' in file:///C:/Homepages/index.html at line 1077 Comm.sendXmlHttpRequest(_1=>Obj) RPCManager.sendQueue(_1=>undef, _2=>undef, _3=>undef) RPCManager.sendNoQueue(_1=>Obj) "var _2=this.currentTransaction;this.currentTransaction=this.$385();this.$386(_1,this.currentTransaction);var _3=this.sendQueue();this.currentTransaction=_2;return _3" RPCManager.sendRequest(_1=>Obj) RPCManager.sendProxied(_1=>Obj, _2=>undef) XMLTools.getXMLResponse(_1=>Obj) XMLTools.loadXML(_1=>"http://localhost:2312/CustomsForceWebSer..."[54], _2=>$37b(), _3=>undef) "this.getXMLResponse(isc.addProperties({actionURL:_1,httpMethod:"GET",callback:_2},_3))" XMLTools.loadWSDL(_1=>"http://localhost:2312/CustomsForceWebSer..."[54], _2=>"ws = service; layoutIndex.wsdlLoaded()", _3=>undef, _4=>undef) $37b(_6=>[XMLDoc <xsl:stylesheet>], _7=>"<?xml version="1.0"?>\n<xsl:stylesheet xm..."[36734], _8=>Obj, Obj) Class.fireCallback(_1=>$37b(), _2=>"xmlDoc,xmlText,rpcResponse,rpcRequest", _3=>Array[4], _4=>undef, _5=>undef) on [Class XMLTools] XMLTools.$37c(_1=>Obj, _2=>"<?xml version="1.0"?>\n<xsl:stylesheet xm..."[36734], _3=>Obj) ** recursed on Class.fireCallback 10:54:00.343:XRP5:WARN:RPCManager:Transport error - HTTP code: 2 for URL: http://localhost:2324/PartWebService.asmx?wsdl (via proxy: file:///C:/Homepages/isomorphic/HttpProxy), response: {operationId: "custom", clientContext: undef, context: Obj, transactionNum: 1, httpResponseCode: 2, httpResponseText: "", xmlHttpRequest: Obj, transport: "xmlHttpRequest", status: -90, clientOnly: undef, isStructured: true, callbackArgs: null, results: Obj, data: "Transport error - HTTP code: 2 for URL: ..."[141]} 10:54:00.593:XRP8:WARN:RPCManager:Transport error - HTTP code: 2 for URL: http://localhost:2312/CustomsForceWebService.asmx?WSDL (via proxy: file:///C:/Homepages/isomorphic/HttpProxy), response: {operationId: "custom", clientContext: undef, context: Obj, transactionNum: 9, httpResponseCode: 2, httpResponseText: "", xmlHttpRequest: Obj, transport: "xmlHttpRequest", status: -90, clientOnly: undef, isStructured: true, callbackArgs: null, results: Obj, data: "Transport error - HTTP code: 2 for URL: ..."[149]}