Hi all,
Good work. I am new to this forum and I have couple of questions regarding the API and its capabilities.. I read the documentation and I am aware of some details.. I appreciate any help on below questions:
1- Data Binding: The SmartClient Server delivers a logic to use servlets or dmi calls. However, I have seen that we need to pass a new list of data with every operation. For example, if I need to fetch.. then, I need to construct a new list of data from the persistence layer which already has objects fetched. in it. That means, I am getting data from persistence then building same data into new objects again.
Why am I obliged to build a new list? why not passing a generic bean which gets data based on the predefined datasource xml file? for example, why not passing that bean to the client and it gets fields based on the field name.. bean.get("ItemName"), bean.get("description") etc.... Is there a way to do that instead of being obliged to pass a list?! In GWT RPC, I could write any callback service and pass required info.. is this possible with smartclient ?
2- Is there a way to find the dictionary of the metadata in one call. For example, I already have the definition of the dictionary for every field (length, scale, required, readonly, type, etc) in the persistence layer.. why would I need to rebuild xml files.. is there a way to pass a call to external datasource to find out the object definition or dictionary?
3- What is the difference between GWT RPC and SmartClient RPC?
Good work. I am new to this forum and I have couple of questions regarding the API and its capabilities.. I read the documentation and I am aware of some details.. I appreciate any help on below questions:
1- Data Binding: The SmartClient Server delivers a logic to use servlets or dmi calls. However, I have seen that we need to pass a new list of data with every operation. For example, if I need to fetch.. then, I need to construct a new list of data from the persistence layer which already has objects fetched. in it. That means, I am getting data from persistence then building same data into new objects again.
public class SupplyItemFetch { public DSResponse fetch(SupplyItem criteria, DSRequest dsRequest) throws Exception { DSResponse dsResponse = new DSResponse(); --> List matchingItems = SupplyItemStore.findMatchingItems(criteria.getItemID(), criteria.getItemName()); dsResponse.setData(matchingItems); return dsResponse; } }
2- Is there a way to find the dictionary of the metadata in one call. For example, I already have the definition of the dictionary for every field (length, scale, required, readonly, type, etc) in the persistence layer.. why would I need to rebuild xml files.. is there a way to pass a call to external datasource to find out the object definition or dictionary?
3- What is the difference between GWT RPC and SmartClient RPC?