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    Placing the components on the right side of the splitpane

    In this example we want to move the left side "properties" and "statistics" to the right side of the splitpane and when we click on the splitpane it should collpase the splitpane to the right side instead of default value of leftside.

    Ideally we want to have 2 icons on the splitpane (left arrow and right arrow), when left clicked it should collpase on left side by expanding on right side area and when clicked on the right arrow, it should collpase on the right side and expanding the leftside region.

    If this behaviour is not supported by default, what is the best way to build this behaviour.

    Last edited by skota; 6 Nov 2006, 10:44.

    Hi skota,

    The move the properties/statistics area to the right side of the splitpane, simply specify it last in the layout.members array.

    To create a customized resizebar, turn off the built-in resizebar by removing the member.showResizeBar=true setting, and then add your own implementation of a resizeBar as a normal member in between the two panes.

    One approach for your custom resizeBar would be a Canvas with a StretchImg used as a background (filling the parent via 100% width/height) and two ImgButton children for the left/right arrows. The SimpleSlider example in the SDK, accessible from the SDK Explorer under Examples -> Component Development, might be a good resource.


      custom component


      1) I did fix the changes you given your reply.Still we are seeing some performance issues inthe prototype

      Please check it at

      2)I am able to create a custom component for spilt pane How can add drag property for this check the custom component at

      thank you,


        1) performance issue

        You have not corrected the incorrect "overflow:false" setting pointed out in this reply.

        There are also further errors being reported in the Developer Console that are causing your performance issue:

        06:21:38.470:WARN:drawing:Tab0So:negative or zero area: height: 0, width: 1214, refusing to draw

        The component "Tab0So" has in fact been given an invalid size, you set "height:0"l. If you want this form initially hidden, set visibility:"hidden" instead.

        2) implementing a custom drag interaction

        Take a look at the SimplerSlider example in the SDK, accessible from the SDK Explorer under Examples -> Component Development. To begin with, you will need to set canDrag:true and implement dragMove().



          Please check the above link. We fixes few performence issues.

          We will look into your suggestion on the splitpane, and will get back to you on that.

          Last edited by skota; 6 Nov 2006, 09:28.

