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    ListGrid icon states - false advertisement?

    I can't get the icon fields to change state in the ListGrid. I've added the following code to my test case, and am getting two icons (my custom icon and the remove icon). In both cases there doesn't seem to be any indication that the icon is trying to change on roll over. Same goes for other icon states. There is a <td> outside the img, and its class attribute does change to things like 'normalSelectedOver', 'normalSelected', and 'normal'. The only related css I can find is for '.normal'


    removeFieldProperties: {
    	type: 'icon',
    	cellIcon: "[SKIN]actions/back.png",
    	showRollOverIcon: true,
    	cursor: 'hand'
    fields: [
        {name:"name", width: "80%"},
    	{ name:"custIcon", width: "20%", type: "icon", cellIcon: "[SKIN]actions/back.png", showRollOverIcon: true }
    What I want is a remove icon, but I don't want a whole column of red X's all the time. I only want the icon to show when the row is hovered over. If there is a better way to do this, please advise.


    The show*Icon flags affect the icon shown in the header.

    For your requirement of conditionally shown icons, it would be best to implement a formatCellValue() that returns the icon HTML using isc.Canvas.imgHTML() if the mouse is over that row (use getEventRow()). Use refreshCell() to get rid of icons in other rows.

    However you might want to first consider how your UI is going to play out in practice - if the icons aren't visible, the feature is much less discoverable. You might consider a single, external delete button instead.


      Will try it out. Thanks.

