I am creating a custom item for a DynamicForm. This is an item like fckeditor with a few differences. The problem, is that i can create the <textarea> ( using getInnerHTML ) but i am not able to run the javascript to create the editor.
As you might see, there are some console.log calls for Firebug. All of them are run except "loadEditor run" because loadEditor is called ( via getValue ) before getInnerHTML.
What is the correct method to override in order to run loadEditor after getInnerHTML?
Thank you.
I am creating a custom item for a DynamicForm. This is an item like fckeditor with a few differences. The problem, is that i can create the <textarea> ( using getInnerHTML ) but i am not able to run the javascript to create the editor.
var oEdit1 = new InnovaEditor("oEdit1"); isc.defineClass("DynTextEdit","TextItem").addProperties({ getInnerHTML : function () { console.log( 'getInnerhtml call' ); return "<textarea STYLE='width:100%;height:100%' ID=" + this.getID() + "_ta></textarea>"; }, loadEditor: function() { console.log( 'loadEditor call' ); if ( document.getElementById(this.getID() + "_ta") != null) { console.log( 'loadEditor run' ); oEdit1.features=["FullScreen","Preview","Print", "Search","SpellCheck", "Table","Guidelines","Absolute", "Form","Characters","ClearAll","XHTMLSource","BRK", "Cut","Copy","Paste","PasteWord","PasteText", "Undo","Redo","Hyperlink","Bookmark","Image", "JustifyLeft","JustifyCenter","JustifyRight","JustifyFull", "Numbering","Bullets","Indent","Outdent", "LTR","RTL", "Line","RemoveFormat","BRK", "StyleAndFormatting","TextFormatting","ListFormatting", "BoxFormatting","ParagraphFormatting","CssText","Styles", "CustomTag","Paragraph","FontName","FontSize", "Bold","Italic","Underline","Strikethrough", "Superscript","Subscript", "ForeColor","BackColor"]; oEdit1.useTab = false; oEdit1.REPLACE(this.getID() + "_ta"); } }, getValue : function () { this.loadEditor(); return this.value; } });
As you might see, there are some console.log calls for Firebug. All of them are run except "loadEditor run" because loadEditor is called ( via getValue ) before getInnerHTML.
What is the correct method to override in order to run loadEditor after getInnerHTML?
Thank you.