I've found many form threads asking how to force all fields to be sent on an update rather than just changed fields, but I'm having the opposite problem. I have a databound DynamicForm and there are many fields in the datasource that have canEdit="false". They show up on the form as non-editable text fields as you would expect, but when the 'changes' are saved, the server side receives a SQL UPDATE statement that includes ALL fields, not just the primary key and changed fields. I thought the default behavior was to send only changed fields. Here is my code related to the form. I've checked the properties I'm setting and don't find any indication that any of these properties should affect the update behavior.
itemForm.setDataSource(ipItemMasterDS); itemForm.setUseAllDataSourceFields(true); itemForm.setShowDetailFields(true); itemForm.setWidth100(); SubmitItem submit = new SubmitItem(); submit.setTitle("Save Changes"); itemForm.setFields(submit); itemForm.setSaveOnEnter(true);