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    Changing edited record color

    Currently we have a requirement to set different color for the edited records in ListGrid. Currently it is blue and nearly equal to the already displayed unchanged records. So we want to change the color to something more visible. Also this support is not available in the DynamicForm fields i.e., if the values are changed in the form it does not display in different color. Please let us know if it is possible.

    Thanks in advance

    You can change the edited record stying of records in a ListGrid via editPendingCSSText or editPendingBaseStyle.

    We don't have a built in feature to apply a custom style to edited fields in a DynamicForm in the same way. Please feel free to add a request for such a feature in the wishlist forum.
    If this is a concrete requirement for your application, probably the easiest way to achieve this with the current code would be to modify the textBoxStyle for the form item in question. You can make use of the valuesHaveChanged method to determine whether the user has edited any fields.

    Isomorphic Software


      Regarding Color change of textfield in DynamicForm

      Hi mahen,
      Did your problem got solved, because i need solution for the same, I tried with valuesHaveChanged and textBoxStyle, but no use. Please let me know if you got any other solution.

      Thanks for help


        Hi Kishore,

        What did you actually try? Can you show your attempt?


          How to set editPendingBaseStyle in SmartGWT?

          Version: v8.3p_2013-02-09/PowerEdition Deployment (built 2013-02-09)

          I'm trying to set a base style for a listgrid so that all "edited" records show up with a specific style.

          It sounds like there's a property "editPendingBaseStyle" which I'd like to set but in Smart GWT, there's only: setter method.

          How do I set the "editPendingBaseStyle" in Smart GWT or do I need to use setEditPendingCSSText instead?


            There should have been a setter in SmartGWT, it will be there for tomorrow's build.

            You can set it via setAttribute("editPendingBaseStyle", ..) in the meantime.

            Note that editPendingCSSText is usually more convenient, since editPendingBaseStyle implies having to create a whole style series (for Over, Selected etc states).

