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    How to get rid of margin between FormItem and FormItem.icon

    I have a FormItem and use a FormItem.icon. I see in the html that Smartclient adds a margin of 3px between the FormItem and the icon. Is there a way to get rid of this margin? A style I can use?

    See the attached image, I would like the input and the button to be placed tightly together.


    gr. Martin

    btw, here is the code I use to define the formitem and icon (it is part of a compound component so therefore this references):

    		// add the combobox to the DynamicForm
    		this.setFields( [ {
    			selector :this,
    			showTitle :false,
    			showPickerIcon :true,
    			selectOnFocus :true,
    			icons : [ {
    				src :"org.openbravo.userinterface.selector/images/selectorButton.png",
    				width: 27,
    				height: 17,
    				showFocused: true,
    				showOver: true,
    				click :this.openSelectorWindow
    			} ],
    			width :this.width,
    			editorType :"comboBox",
    			displayField :this.displayField,
    			valueField :this.valueField,
    			optionDataSource :this.dataSource,
    			pickListWidth :this.width,
    			pickListFields :this.pickListFields,
    			getPickListFilterCriteria : function() {
    				var criteria = this.Super("getPickListFilterCriteria");
    				if (criteria === null) {
    					criteria = {};
    				// the form can have an organization field,
    				// in the server it is used to determine the accessible orgs
    				// TODO: make this optional or make it possible to set the orgid html id
    				if (document.frmMain.inpadOrgId !== null) {
    					criteria[openbravo.Constants.ORG_PARAMETER] = inputValue(document.frmMain.inpadOrgId);
    				// the additional where clause
    				criteria[openbravo.Constants.WHERE_PARAMETER] = this.selector.whereClause;
    				// and sort according to the display field initially
    				criteria[openbravo.Constants.SORTBY_PARAMETER] = this.selector.displayField;
    				return criteria;
    			// when changed set the field
    			changed :this.setSelectorValueFromField
    Attached Files

    if you really want to do this, you can use icon.hspace or formItem.iconHSpace but note that both of these properties are undocumented and subject to change


      Thanks! This worked perfectly.

      I will add a note that this is not-supported and may change over time.

      gr. Martin


        is it hspace still the only and un-documented way of removing that 3px margin?

        I'm using it to obtain a formitem layout like those in

        in that smartgwt 3.0 sample it seems that no special setting is required, but in smartclient 8.2 I couldn't find a way to remove those 3px until I found this old thread.

        As a side note, in the /pickers folder skin the _Down pickers are included, but the formitem icons aren't sensitive to the showDown setting, or am I missing something?
        Last edited by claudiobosticco; 23 Jan 2012, 13:31.

