I have a FormItem and use a FormItem.icon. I see in the html that Smartclient adds a margin of 3px between the FormItem and the icon. Is there a way to get rid of this margin? A style I can use?
See the attached image, I would like the input and the button to be placed tightly together.
gr. Martin
btw, here is the code I use to define the formitem and icon (it is part of a compound component so therefore this references):
I have a FormItem and use a FormItem.icon. I see in the html that Smartclient adds a margin of 3px between the FormItem and the icon. Is there a way to get rid of this margin? A style I can use?
See the attached image, I would like the input and the button to be placed tightly together.
gr. Martin
btw, here is the code I use to define the formitem and icon (it is part of a compound component so therefore this references):
// add the combobox to the DynamicForm this.setFields( [ { selector :this, showTitle :false, showPickerIcon :true, selectOnFocus :true, icons : [ { src :"org.openbravo.userinterface.selector/images/selectorButton.png", width: 27, height: 17, showFocused: true, showOver: true, click :this.openSelectorWindow } ], width :this.width, editorType :"comboBox", displayField :this.displayField, valueField :this.valueField, optionDataSource :this.dataSource, pickListWidth :this.width, pickListFields :this.pickListFields, getPickListFilterCriteria : function() { var criteria = this.Super("getPickListFilterCriteria"); if (criteria === null) { criteria = {}; } // the form can have an organization field, // in the server it is used to determine the accessible orgs // TODO: make this optional or make it possible to set the orgid html id if (document.frmMain.inpadOrgId !== null) { criteria[openbravo.Constants.ORG_PARAMETER] = inputValue(document.frmMain.inpadOrgId); } // the additional where clause criteria[openbravo.Constants.WHERE_PARAMETER] = this.selector.whereClause; // and sort according to the display field initially criteria[openbravo.Constants.SORTBY_PARAMETER] = this.selector.displayField; return criteria; }, // when changed set the field changed :this.setSelectorValueFromField }]);