Just one little thing for the Java wrapper layer:
The SC wrapper class has echo(JavaScriptObject) and echoAll(JavaScriptObject) wrappers, but it's missing the echoFull(JavaScriptObject), which is a very useful method to actually dump the content of a JavaScript object.
To amend this, this should go to com.smartgwt.client.util.SC.class (where all similar method wrappers are):
Thank you for your help:
The SC wrapper class has echo(JavaScriptObject) and echoAll(JavaScriptObject) wrappers, but it's missing the echoFull(JavaScriptObject), which is a very useful method to actually dump the content of a JavaScript object.
To amend this, this should go to com.smartgwt.client.util.SC.class (where all similar method wrappers are):
public static native String echoFull(final JavaScriptObject jsObj) /*-{ return $wnd.isc.echoFull(jsObj); }-*/;